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About the ENA project

The ENA project is the first large-scale attempt to find out how suitable our social environment is for the people that live in it.

We expect this survey to generate some incredibly useful information about how stressful life is for people in different places, how the innate emotional needs of people are met, or not, in different parts of the world, and how the health of individuals and societies is related to the way these needs are met.

Armed with this information, people who genuinely have the real needs of our species at heart could use it to campaign for the reform of institutions, governments, the built environment, social services, healthcare, transport policy and anything else that affects the lives of human beings based on a solid understanding of what we all need to function well and live fulfilled lives.

The findings of the project will be published on the HGI's website and the data will be available for download and analysis.

As mental health care moves away from the medical model towards a focus on the way people interact with their environment, the ENA project will become a major source of information about where effort should be directed.

You will be able to follow the progress of the project on the ENA project the HGI's website, or in the HGI's journal Human Givens: Promoting emotional health and clear thinking.



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    temperature of the UK:


The ENA project is supported by the Human Givens Institute
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